Nuclear Science Week 2019 Impact Report
CLICK HERE for the 2019 NSW Impact Report
Nuclear Science Week is getting bigger, many great voices are joining in to the conversation about the exciting world of nuclear. Each person helps us to improve the planning processes to create learning opportunities and showcase great science and acknowledge innovation. I want to thank and recognize our superb International Steering Committee of hard-working professionals from around the globe in so many places and fields of work. Your efforts, individual and in teams make NSW the most effective opportunity for broad general communication with the nontechnical audiences that we know exists. It is this interested general public, the regular people that we need to speak to, to listen to, to talk with and share with. They have a need for current accurate information about the role of nuclear energy as a resource that is trusted and can be counted upon. These folks need to have an accurate grasp of this science as future decision-makers and current citizens.
Nuclear Science Week is getting bigger, many great voices are joining in to the conversation about the exciting world of nuclear. Each person helps us to improve the planning processes to create learning opportunities and showcase great science and acknowledge innovation. I want to thank and recognize our superb International Steering Committee of hard-working professionals from around the globe in so many places and fields of work. Your efforts, individual and in teams make NSW the most effective opportunity for broad general communication with the nontechnical audiences that we know exists. It is this interested general public, the regular people that we need to speak to, to listen to, to talk with and share with. They have a need for current accurate information about the role of nuclear energy as a resource that is trusted and can be counted upon. These folks need to have an accurate grasp of this science as future decision-makers and current citizens.
Our International Steering Team helps us reach these people in eight different countries now. Again, thanks to each of you for your continued commitment. I would also like to extend deep appreciation for a strong and continuing partnership with The American Nuclear Society. The ANS and its fine staff utilize NSW as a communication opportunity to reach professionals, constituents and the public and offer leadership to those thousands of professionals in sections all across the US who put on programming in observance of Nuclear Science Week. 2019 represents the second year of a multi-year sponsorship and partnership in presenting the events in the United States. The Chair wishes to thank Palo Verde Generating Station for this and future support in continuing Nuclear Science Week.